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UploaderBase Class
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CuteWebUI
Assembly: CuteWebUI.AjaxUploader (in CuteWebUI.AjaxUploader.dll) Version:
public abstract class UploaderBase : Control, 
	IPostBackEventHandler, IPostBackDataHandler, IAjaxUploader

The UploaderBase type exposes the following members.

Public methodUploaderBase
Initializes a new instance of the UploaderBase class.
Protected methodAddControlIDToAttribute
Protected methodAddedControl
Called after a child control is added to the Controls collection of the Control object.
(Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodAddParsedSubObject
Notifies the server control that an element, either XML or HTML, was parsed, and adds the element to the server control's ControlCollection object.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodApplyStyleSheetSkin
Applies the style properties defined in the page style sheet to the control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodBuildProfileTree
Gathers information about the server control and delivers it to the Trace property to be displayed when tracing is enabled for the page.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodCheckPostBackData
force the uploader handle the post data if it not be handled.
Protected methodClearChildControlState
Deletes the control-state information for the server control's child controls.
(Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodClearChildState
Deletes the view-state and control-state information for all the server control's child controls.
(Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodClearChildViewState
Deletes the view-state information for all the server control's child controls.
(Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodCreateChildControls
Called by the ASP.NET page framework to notify server controls that use composition-based implementation to create any child controls they contain in preparation for posting back or rendering.
(Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodCreateControlCollection
Creates a new ControlCollection object to hold the child controls (both literal and server) of the server control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodDataBind
Binds a data source to the invoked server control and all its child controls.
(Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodDataBind(Boolean)
Binds a data source to the invoked server control and all its child controls with an option to raise the DataBinding event.
(Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodDataBindChildren
Binds a data source to the server control's child controls.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodDispose
Releases all resources used by the UploaderBase
(Overrides ControlDispose.)
Protected methodEnsureChildControls
Determines whether the server control contains child controls. If it does not, it creates child controls.
(Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodEnsureID
Creates an identifier for controls that do not have an identifier assigned.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFindControl(String)
Searches the current naming container for a server control with the specified id parameter.
(Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodFindControl(String, Int32)
Searches the current naming container for a server control with the specified id and an integer, specified in the pathOffset parameter, which aids in the search. You should not override this version of the FindControl method.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodFocus
Sets input focus to a control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodGetAdvancedOption(String)
Public methodGetAdvancedOption(UploaderAdvancedOption)
Public methodGetBrowserType
GetBrowserType - debug only
Public methodGetBrowserVersion
GetBrowserVersion - debug only
Protected methodGetDesignModeState
Gets design-time data for a control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetUploadedFile
Get the temp file from temp directory
Protected methodGetUploadedFileCount
Public methodGetUploaderProvider
Gets the uploader provider instance to handle file data.
Public methodHasControls
Determines if the server control contains any child controls.
(Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodHasEvents
Returns a value indicating whether events are registered for the control or any child controls.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodImpersonate
Impersonate the setting : if not need , return null CuteWebUI.AjaxUploader.WindowsUsername CuteWebUI.AjaxUploader.WindowsPassword CuteWebUI.AjaxUploader.WindowsDomain always use : using(Uploader1.Impersonate()) { code to access the files. }
Protected methodIsLiteralContent
Determines if the server control holds only literal content.
(Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodLoadControlState
Restores control-state information from a previous page request that was saved by the SaveControlState method.
(Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodLoadViewState
Restores view-state information from a previous page request that was saved by the SaveViewState method.
(Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodMapPathSecure
Retrieves the physical path that a virtual path, either absolute or relative, maps to.
(Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodOnBubbleEvent
Determines whether the event for the server control is passed up the page's UI server control hierarchy.
(Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodOnDataBinding
Raises the DataBinding event.
(Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodOnFileUploaded
Protected methodOnFileValidating
Protected methodOnInit (Overrides ControlOnInit(EventArgs).)
Protected methodOnLoad (Overrides ControlOnLoad(EventArgs).)
Protected methodOnPreRender
(Overrides ControlOnPreRender(EventArgs).)
Protected methodOnUnload (Overrides ControlOnUnload(EventArgs).)
Protected methodOnUploadCompleted
fire the UploadCompleted event. this method called when RequireUploadCompleted return true; if override this method, also override RequireUploadCompleted and return true;
Protected methodOpenFile
Gets a Stream used to read a file.
(Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodRaiseBubbleEvent
Assigns any sources of the event and its information to the control's parent.
(Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodRemovedControl
Called after a child control is removed from the Controls collection of the Control object.
(Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodRender (Overrides ControlRender(HtmlTextWriter).)
Protected methodRenderChildren
Outputs the content of a server control's children to a provided HtmlTextWriter object, which writes the content to be rendered on the client.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodRenderControl(HtmlTextWriter)
Outputs server control content to a provided HtmlTextWriter object and stores tracing information about the control if tracing is enabled.
(Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodRenderControl(HtmlTextWriter, ControlAdapter)
Outputs server control content to a provided HtmlTextWriter object using a provided ControlAdapter object.
(Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodRenderDesignMode
Protected methodResolveAdapter
Gets the control adapter responsible for rendering the specified control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodResolveClientUrl
Gets a URL that can be used by the browser.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodResolveUrl
Converts a URL into one that is usable on the requesting client.
(Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodSaveControlState
Saves any server control state changes that have occurred since the time the page was posted back to the server.
(Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodSaveViewState
Saves any server control view-state changes that have occurred since the time the page was posted back to the server.
(Inherited from Control.)
Protected methodSetAdvancedOption(String, String)
Public methodSetAdvancedOption(UploaderAdvancedOption, String)
Protected methodSetDesignModeState
Sets design-time data for a control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodSetRenderMethodDelegate
Assigns an event handler delegate to render the server control and its content into its parent control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodSetValidationServerData
set a custom data to client , to javascript fileitem.ServerData
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodTrackViewState
Causes tracking of view-state changes to the server control so they can be stored in the server control's StateBag object. This object is accessible through the ViewState property.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public methodUpload(Int32, String, Stream)
Use server file to simulate file uploading and uploaded event. This method affects all child types.
Public methodUpload(Int32, String, String)
Use server file to simulate file uploading and uploaded event. This method affects all child types.
Public fieldStatic memberSharedStyleText
Public fieldStatic memberUPLOAD_EXTENSION
The default file upload extension.
Protected propertyAdapter
Gets the browser-specific adapter for the control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyAppRelativeTemplateSourceDirectory
Gets or sets the application-relative virtual directory of the Page or UserControl object that contains this control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyAutoUseSystemTempFolder
A system temporary folder or temporary directory is a directory used to hold temporary files. By default, when Ajax Uploader detects TempDirectory propery is not set, it will automatically use the system temporary folder. if web.config sepcified the TempDirectory appSetting, this would not take effects. You can turn this feature off by setting it to "false".
Public propertyBindingContainer
Gets the control that contains this control's data binding.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyButtonOnClickScript
JavaScript code that be executed when the browse button be clicked.
Public propertyCancelAllMsg
Gets or sets the "Cancel all Uploads" message.
Public propertyCancelButtonID
It allows the developers specify a server control to use as the cancel button of ajax uploader.
Public propertyCancelUploadMsg
Gets or sets the "Cancel upload" message.
Protected propertyChildControlsCreated
Gets a value that indicates whether the server control's child controls have been created.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyClientID
Gets the server control identifier generated by ASP.NET.
(Inherited from Control.)
Protected propertyClientIDSeparator
Gets a character value representing the separator character used in the ClientID property.
(Inherited from Control.)
Protected propertyContext
Gets the HttpContext object associated with the server control for the current Web request.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyControls
Gets a ControlCollection object that represents the child controls for a specified server control in the UI hierarchy.
(Inherited from Control.)
Protected propertyDesignMode
Gets a value indicating whether a control is being used on a design surface.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyDialogAccept
Gets or sets the mime filter for HTML5 dialog , for example , image/*
Public propertyDialogFilter
Gets or sets the current file name filter string, which determines the choices that appear in the file browser dialog box. Please note that only ValidateOption.AllowedFileExtensions property determine the allowed file extensions for uploading.
Public propertyDropZoneID
Public propertyEnableTheming
Gets or sets a value indicating whether themes apply to this control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyEnableViewState
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the server control persists its view state, and the view state of any child controls it contains, to the requesting client.
(Inherited from Control.)
Protected propertyEvents
Gets a list of event handler delegates for the control. This property is read-only.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyFileTooLargeMsg
Gets or sets the "File too large" message.
Public propertyFileTypeNotSupportMsg
Gets or sets the "file type not support" message.
Public propertyFlashLoadMode
Sets it to true to force the Flash10 load all data before uploading the file. This is a quick and easy solution to resolve all Flash related issues (include SSL,NTLM,Base Authorization,Cookie issues..etc). But the browser may hang for a while if the file is too large.
Public propertyFlashUploadPage
Sets a special page for Flash - Integrated Windows Authentication chould be also set to web.config appSettings : CuteWebUI.AjaxUploader.FlashUploadPage (RichTextEditor.AjaxUploader.FlashUploadPage for RichTextEditor)
Public propertyFlashWarningImage Obsolete.
Gets or sets the FlashWarning Image.
Protected propertyHasChildViewState
Gets a value indicating whether the current server control's child controls have any saved view-state settings.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyID
Gets or sets the programmatic identifier assigned to the server control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Protected propertyIdSeparator
Gets the character used to separate control identifiers.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyInputboxCSSText
Sets or retrieves the appearance of the file input control.
Public propertyInsertButtonID
It allows the developers specify a server control to use as the insert button of ajax uploader.
Public propertyInsertText
Gets or sets the insert text.
Protected propertyIsBrowserSupportUploadScript
detect whether the browser support the script upload
Protected propertyIsChildControlStateCleared
Gets a value indicating whether controls contained within this control have control state.
(Inherited from Control.)
Protected propertyIsDesignMode
Protected propertyIsTrackingViewState
Gets a value that indicates whether the server control is saving changes to its view state.
(Inherited from Control.)
Protected propertyIsViewStateEnabled
Gets a value indicating whether view state is enabled for this control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Protected propertyLoadViewStateByID
Gets a value indicating whether the control participates in loading its view state by ID instead of index.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyManualStartUpload
Gets or sets a boolean indicating whether Uploader automatically starts uploading as soon as a user selects a file.
Public propertyMaxFilesLimit
Gets or sets the maximum number of files that can be uploaded.
Public propertyMaxFilesLimitMsg
Gets or sets the "maximum number of files" message.
Public propertyMultipleFilesUpload
If true, the users are able to select multiple files in the file browser dialog then upload them at once.
Public propertyNamingContainer
Gets a reference to the server control's naming container, which creates a unique namespace for differentiating between server controls with the same ID property value.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyNumFilesShowCancelAll
Specifies the number of files when the CancelAll button appears
Public propertyNumFilesShowQueueUI
Public propertyPage
Gets a reference to the Page instance that contains the server control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyParent
Gets a reference to the server control's parent control in the page control hierarchy.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyProgressBarBackgroundImage
Gets or sets the background image for the ProgressBar control.
Public propertyProgressBarBorderStyle
Specifies the border style for the ProgressBar control.
Public propertyProgressBarColor
Specifies the color for the ProgressBar control.
Public propertyProgressBarHeight
The height of the Progress bar. Default is 20.
Public propertyProgressBarStyle
Specifies the style that a ProgressBar uses to indicate the progress of an operation.
Public propertyProgressCtrlID
It allows the developers specify a server control to use as the progress control of ajax uploader.
Public propertyProgressInfoStyle
The style to be applied to the progress information.
Public propertyProgressPanelWidth
The width of the Progress Panel. Default is 360.
Public propertyProgressPicture
Gets or sets a progress fill picture for the ProgressBar control.
Public propertyProgressTextID
It allows the developers specify a server control to show the progress text of ajax uploader.
Public propertyProgressTextTemplate
Gets or sets the progress text template. %P% = percent,%T% = seconds remain,%F% = filename. %SEND% = uploaded size , %SIZE% = file size , %KBPS% means KB/s , %KBPS% = B/s For example : %F%.. %P% %SEND%/%SIZE% , %KBPS% , %T% seconds left.
Public propertyQueuePanelID
Protected propertyRequireUploadCompleted
Public propertyShowFrameBrowseButton
Gets or sets a boolean indicating whether Uploader should render a browse button for FireFox/Opera in Iframe Mode.
Public propertyShowProgressBar
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the progress bar is displayed.
Public propertyShowProgressInfo
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the progress information is displayed when uploading.
Public propertyShowQueueTable
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the queue table is displayed.
Public propertySite
Gets information about the container that hosts the current control when rendered on a design surface.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertySkinID
Gets or sets the skin to apply to the control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyTempDirectory
Specifies where AjaxUploader should put the temporary files.
Public propertyTemplateControl
Gets or sets a reference to the template that contains this control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyTemplateSourceDirectory
Gets the virtual directory of the Page or UserControl that contains the current server control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyUniqueID
Gets the unique, hierarchically qualified identifier for the server control.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyUploadAddonButtonImage
Public propertyUploadAddonButtonMode
Public propertyUploadAddonButtonShowText
Public propertyUploadAddonWarningImage
Public propertyUploadCursor
Specifies the upload button built in cursor types.
Public propertyUploaderDebug
specify the id of TextArea , which use for output uploader tracing messages If the TextArea is not found, the uploader will dynamcally create one.
Public propertyUploadingMsg
Gets or sets the "Uploading.." message.
Public propertyUploadProcessingMsg
Gets or sets the "upload is processing" message.
Public propertyUploadType
The global type of upload method to use.
Public propertyUploadTypePriority
set the priority for the addons for example , "Silverlight,Flash,HTML5"
Public propertyValidateOption
Gets the validate option.
Protected propertyViewState
Gets a dictionary of state information that allows you to save and restore the view state of a server control across multiple requests for the same page.
(Inherited from Control.)
Protected propertyViewStateIgnoresCase
Gets a value that indicates whether the StateBag object is case-insensitive.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyVisible
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether a server control is rendered as UI on the page.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public propertyWindowsDialogLimitMsg
Gets or sets the message for windows file browse dialog 32K file name length limitation.
Public eventDataBinding
Occurs when the server control binds to a data source.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public eventDisposed
Occurs when a server control is released from memory, which is the last stage of the server control lifecycle when an ASP.NET page is requested.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public eventFileUploaded
Fires after each file is uploaded and validated
Public eventFileValidating
Attach custom code to validate the uploading file
Public eventInit
Occurs when the server control is initialized, which is the first step in its lifecycle.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public eventLoad
Occurs when the server control is loaded into the Page object.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public eventStatic memberOnInstanceInit
fired when an uploader be Init
Public eventPreRender
Occurs after the Control object is loaded but prior to rendering.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public eventUnload
Occurs when the server control is unloaded from memory.
(Inherited from Control.)
Public eventUploadCompleted
Fires after all files have been uploaded and validated
See Also