
This information is for our registered users only.

Upgrade information for existing clients

Upgrades which significantly alter the functionality of the software and/or add several major features can be purchased at a discount to registered users of previous versions.

We use Paypal to accept online payment in a secure and reliable way. All major Credit Cards are accepted. If you have problems with it, please visit our online store ( Ajax Uploader online store).

Please choose license (Licensing Info):

Upgrade to Ajax Uploader 4.0 Price
Domain License $50 Make payments with PayPal - it��s fast, free and secure!
IP License $100 Make payments with PayPal - it��s fast, free and secure!
Small Business License (10 Domains) $150 Make payments with PayPal - it��s fast, free and secure!
Developer License $200 Make payments with PayPal - it��s fast, free and secure!
Redistribution License $200 Make payments with PayPal - it��s fast, free and secure!
Developer Team License $350 Make payments with PayPal - it��s fast, free and secure!
Enterprise License $500 Make payments with PayPal - it��s fast, free and secure!
Source Code License $2000 Make payments with PayPal - it��s fast, free and secure!

Please contact us if you require any licensing option not listed above.

Trusted by

15,000 Customers

AJAX Uploader has more than 15,000 customers, and has been sold in over 60 countries.

23 languages are supported, and more are being added.