Click or drag to resize
MvcUploader Class
a helper class to help you access the uploader api without the uploader control
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CuteWebUI
Assembly: CuteWebUI.AjaxUploader (in CuteWebUI.AjaxUploader.dll) Version:
public class MvcUploader : IAjaxUploader, 

The MvcUploader type exposes the following members.

Public methodMvcUploader
Initializes a new instance of the MvcUploader class
Public methodDispose
release the resources created by the uploader
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodGetAdvancedOption(String)
Public methodGetAdvancedOption(UploaderAdvancedOption)
Public methodGetAttribute
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetUploadedFile
Public methodGetUploaderProvider
Public methodGetValidatingFile
get the file which being validated when IsValidationRequest is true
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodPreProcessRequest
Public methodRender
Public methodRender(TextWriter)
Protected methodSetAdvancedOption(String, String)
Public methodSetAdvancedOption(UploaderAdvancedOption, String)
Public methodSetAttribute
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodWriteValidationError(String)
Public methodWriteValidationError(String, String)
Public methodWriteValidationOK
Public methodWriteValidationOK(String)
Public propertyAllowedFileExtensions
Gets or sets the allowed file extensions for uploading.
Public propertyAllowedFileMimeTypes
Public propertyAllowedFileRegExp
Gets or sets the allowed file name RegExp.
Public propertyAutoUseSystemTempFolder
A system temporary folder or temporary directory is a directory used to hold temporary files. By default, when Ajax Uploader detects TempDirectory propery is not set, it will automatically use the system temporary folder. if web.config sepcified the TempDirectory appSetting, this would not take effects. You can turn this feature off by setting it to "false".
Public propertyButtonOnClickScript
JavaScript code that be executed when the browse button be clicked.
Public propertyCancelAllMsg
Gets or sets the "Cancel all Uploads" message.
Public propertyCancelButtonID
It allows the developers specify a server control to use as the cancel button of ajax uploader.
Public propertyCancelUploadMsg
Gets or sets the "Cancel upload" message.
Public propertyContext
get the HttpContext
Public propertyCurrentFileGuid
Public propertyDialogAccept
Gets or sets the mime filter for HTML5 dialog , for example , image/*
Public propertyDialogFilter
Gets or sets the current file name filter string, which determines the choices that appear in the file browser dialog box. Please note that only ValidateOption.AllowedFileExtensions property determine the allowed file extensions for uploading.
Public propertyDropZoneID
Gets or sets the ID of a web control or HTML element where files can be dragged and dropped for upload.
Public propertyEnableMimetypeChecking
Public propertyFileTooLargeMsg
Gets or sets the "File too large" message.
Public propertyFileTypeNotSupportMsg
Gets or sets the "file type not support" message.
Public propertyFlashUploadPage
set a special page for Flash - Integrated Windows Authentication chould be also set to web.config appSettings : AjaxUploader.FlashUploadPage (RichTextEditor.AjaxUploader.FlashUploadPage for RichTextEditor)
Public propertyFlashWarningImage
Gets or sets the FlashWarning Image.
Public propertyFormName Obsolete.
get the name and id of the uploader input field
Public propertyInputboxCSSText
Sets or retrieves the appearance of the file input control.
Public propertyInsertButtonID
It allows the developers specify a server control to use as the insert button of ajax uploader.
Public propertyInsertText
Gets or sets the insert text.
Public propertyIsValidationRequest
Public propertyManualStartUpload
Gets or sets a boolean indicating whether Uploader automatically starts uploading as soon as a user selects a file.
Public propertyMaxFilesLimit
Gets or sets the maximum number of files that can be uploaded.
Public propertyMaxFilesLimitMsg
Gets or sets the "File too large" message.
Public propertyMaxSizeKB
Gets or sets the maximum allowed size of the file, in KB.
Public propertyMultipleFilesUpload
If true, the users are able to select multiple files in the file browser dialog then upload them at once.
Public propertyName
get the name and id of the uploader input field
Public propertyNumFilesShowCancelAll
Public propertyPostBackEventReference
script code be executed when finish all tasks
Public propertyProgressBarBackgroundImage
Gets or sets the background image for the ProgressBar control.
Public propertyProgressBarBorderStyle
Specifies the border style for the ProgressBar control.
Public propertyProgressBarColor
Specifies the color for the ProgressBar control.
Public propertyProgressBarHeight
The height of the Progress bar. Default is 15.
Public propertyProgressBarStyle
Specifies the style that a ProgressBar uses to indicate the progress of an operation.
Public propertyProgressCtrlID
It allows the developers specify a server control to use as the progress control of ajax uploader.
Public propertyProgressInfoStyle
The style to be applied to the progress information.
Public propertyProgressPanelWidth
The width of the Progress Panel. Default is 500.
Public propertyProgressPicture
Gets or sets a progress fill picture for the ProgressBar control.
Public propertyProgressTextID
It allows the developers specify a server control to show the progress text of ajax uploader.
Public propertyProgressTextTemplate
Gets or sets the progress text template. %P% = percent,%T% = seconds remain,%F% = filename. %SEND% = uploaded size , %SIZE% = file size , %KBPS% means KB/s , %KBPS% = B/s For example : %F%.. %P% %SEND%/%SIZE% , %KBPS% , %T% seconds left.
Public propertyQueuePanelID
Gets or sets the ID of a web control or HTML element to use as the Queue Panel of ajax uploader.
Public propertyResourceHandler
Public propertyScriptSource
Public propertyShowFrameBrowseButton
Gets or sets a boolean indicating whether Uploader should render a browse button for FireFox/Opera in Iframe Mode.
Public propertyShowProgressBar
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the progress bar is displayed.
Public propertyShowProgressInfo
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the progress information is displayed when uploading.
Public propertyShowQueueTable
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the queue table is displayed.
Public propertyTempDirectory
Specifies where AjaxUploader should put the temporary files.
Public propertyUploadCursor
Specifies the upload button built in cursor types.
Public propertyUploadingMsg
Gets or sets the "Uploading.." message.
Public propertyUploadProcessingMsg
Gets or sets the "upload is processing" message.
Public propertyUploadType
The global type of upload method to use.
Public propertyUploadTypePriority
set the priority for the addons for example , "Silverlight,Flash,HTML5"
Public propertyUploadUrl
Public propertyWindowsDialogLimitMsg
Gets or sets the message for windows file browse dialog 32K file name length limitation.
See Also